Bluff Restoration & Aluminum Stair Installation in Benton Harbor, MI
Know Your Options: Regaining Beach Access
Securing Your Bluff for Stair Installation
Is my bluff ready for stairs?
Many areas along the Benton Harbor shoreline are designated as high-risk erosion zones, meaning that installing stairs without addressing erosion on your bluff could result in structural failure over time. Before adding any structures along your shoreline, we help you assess the stability of your bluff and consider if dune restoration is necessary.
Dune Restoration & Shoreline Protection

Add sand to restore lost dune height and provide extra material for the dune to return to its natural angle of reposition.

An erosion control blanket, sometimes called an erosion control mat or straw mat, is a blanket-like structure made of biodegradable materials that can be installed on any desired location to protect against erosion. These blankets or mats work to hold soil or sand in place, prevent shifting, and provide a stable environment for vegetation establishment. Learn how they work.

Keep your dune stabilized with fast-growing beach grass that’s native to Michigan. After an erosion control blanket is in place, vegetation is planted to further stabilize the bluff. The deep root systems of American Native Beach Grass or Cape American Beach Grass are crucial for anchoring sand and preventing erosion before you build. Spring, from March to mid-May, is one of the best times to plant beach grass because of its mild temperatures. Get started today.
Aluminum Stair Installers in Benton Harbor, MI
Aluminum stairs provide a durable, corrosion-resistant solution to beach access regardless of lake levels. Adjustable and adaptable to your beach’s unique conditions, aluminum stairs maintain their looks and quality throughout the seasons. Unlike wooden stairs, aluminum stairs are light, adjustable, and customizable, with minimal ground disturbance to your bluff.
- Customizable by length of dune or bluff
- Comfortable under foot
- Long-lasting & maintenance-free
- Minimal ground disturbance
- Removable and adjustable
How It Works: Installing Aluminum Stairs for Beach Access in Benton Harbor, MI

1. See What’s Possible: Site Evaluation & Estimate

2. Shoreline Protection

3. Easy Stair Installation
Regain Access to the Lake with Aluminum Stairs
Don’t let an eroding bluff keep you from enjoying your waterfront. Aluminum stairs can provide you with long-term beach access while protecting the integrity of your shoreline.
Reach out to us today for a site evaluation and take the first step toward regaining your beach access!