Lakeshore Debris Removal

Eroding dune to be restored by Lakeshore Customs

Debris removal on the shorelines and dune allows for new foliage and plants to take root.

The ideal steps would be to remove debris, lay a revetment, backfill, and then apply a solution depending on the soil to help grow new plants.

Benefit of Service

Removing of excess debris allows for new vegetation to be applied and rooted. Another benefit to the service is allowing people to enjoy a clean beach.

Drift wood vegetation with geotextile tubes

Hazard if not Applied

If excess debris is not removed, new foliage will not be able to grow because the debris will be in the way. Allowing for the debris to be removed and to start with a clean slate will be very beneficial to secure new root systems.

Service Overview


Discuss Service

Schedule Time/Date

Work Onsite


Debris removal, depending on the extent of debris, will be removed by hand with chainsaws and bundled onto the shoreline.

If there is a lot of debris that will need to be removed, a skid steer can be used to scoop up any stumps or big logs.