Aggregate Driveways & Parking Lots

Aggregate driveways are comparable to paved or concrete driveways & parking areas.

Commonly used aggregate materials:

Crushed Limestone, Pea Stone, Slag, Crushed Concrete, and Crushed Stone.

Benefit of Service

Aggregate driveways and parking areas give homeowners a custom aggregate solution that can be fitted to their needs in a variety of ways. Adding an aggregate driveway can give a property more value and provide a strong and durable access point for all vehicle traffic to your property.

Hazard if not Applied

Without a driveway in place, erosion will occur under vehicle traffic. Without a durable driveway solution, the area will become inaccessible or dangerous to access.

Service Overview


Discuss Service

Schedule Time/Date

Work Onsite


Meet with the client to understand what solution should be in place.

Locate the necessary material through current resources.

Create an estimate for the client.

Once the client commits to the estimate, we will add them to the schedule.

We will then have the material delivered either day before or day of the project.

We would then excavate the area to prepare for moving the material.

We will then apply the material.

Once the project is done to the clients approval, we then we will invoice upon completion.