Material & Debris Removal

Cleaning up debris has the potential to increase your property value.
Cleaning up your property by removing unwanted debris such as brush, trees, stumps, undergrowth, old deck debris, or dead material can bring more value to your property. Besides allowing you to enjoy your property in the ways you desire, debris removal can open up your property for a new custom deck to be built—or simply to give your property a cleaner look.
Our debris and material removal service involves hand tools and heavy equipment where needed, so you don’t have to do any of the heavy lifting and you can get the results you want in a timely manner.
Benefit of Service
Besides bringing value back to homeowners’ properties, debris removal has endless aesthetic benefits, both on properties inland and on the Lake Michigan lakeshore. We’re able to clean up the unwanted debris that homeowners are not capable of discarding, whether for their own enjoyment or to prepare them for future work on a portion of their property.
Average service time: depending on the property, 1 day to a week.

Hazard if not Applied
Aside from being generally unpleasant and difficult to manage, excess debris can cause a decrease in property value, as it can begin to cluster and overwhelm the surrounding vegetation.
Service Overview
Discuss Service
Schedule Time/Date
Work Onsite
Debris removal, depending on the extent of debris, will be removed by hand with chainsaws and bundled onto the edge of the property.
If there is a lot of debris that will need to be removed, a skid steer can be used to scoop up any stumps or big logs.
Once the debris is bundled together and the property is clean, we can discard the debris either by dump trailer or dump truck.