
Deck & Stair

The deck and stairs can be built with whatever material the client is comfortable with but that is also safe from the environment.

Dune & Beach Grass Installation

Keep your dunes stabilized with fast-growing beach grass, native to Michigan.

Aluminum Stairs

Aluminum deck stair installation helps homeowners gain beach access regardless of shifting beach levels.


Vegetation stabilizes sand to reduce movement and allow for the foliage roots to grow and strengthen.

Dune Restoration

Providing services to help restore dune growth and security of the homeowners property.

Erosion Blanket & Straw Mat

Erosion and straw blankets are used on dunes that have no vegetation or any type of foliage.

Geotextile Tubes & Sandbag Erosion Control

Geotextile Tubes and sandbags installed on the toe of the dune and revetted to protect dune and slumpage of the dune.

Lakeshore Debris Removal

Debris removal on the shorelines and dune allows for new foliage and plants to take root.


The benefit of backfill is to allow the dune to have more of a base at the toe and for more stabilization for the revetment.